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Nearly there year 11! Final weeks at school!
Year 11 are heading into their last two weeks of formal schooling with us prior to the start of their exam season.
Parents/ carers need to be aware that the last day of year 11 will happen next week and students will be finishing school earlier on that day. More information will come to you on Friday 6th May by text.
Please do ensure you all take a look at the following documents which show the full exam timetable for parents and carers here, as well as the exam preparation timetable which will commence w/b 9th May here and will replace all lessons.
Other key information also shows the advanced information released to year 11 for this exam season in recognition of the impact that Covid has made on them.
We would like to thank you all, students and parents/ carers alike, for your support in managing this extraordinary and challenging academic year. As usual, the large majority of the year group have demonstrated resilience and positivity in the face of these unprecedented circumstances.
There's much to look forward to for year 11 - the culture day on May 6th will support their prom as well as give us an avenue for everyone in the community to celebrate our heritage - wherever that may be. Rumour has it that some VERY senior staff have been roped into the year 11 led teachers sports day, and year 11 have a special assembly in place on Friday 6th May to go over information that will support them as they move into exams.