Parental Partnerships
Close co-operation between home and school improves the educational chances of students. Parents are invited to attend at least one consultation meeting every year. They receive a Progress Report on their daughter’s achievement and talk to all of her subject teachers and Director of Learning or tutor. Formal and informal opportunities exist for parents to come into school to discuss aspects of learning and achievement.
Students are given a Student Planner in which they write their timetable, home learning, targets and National Curriculum levels. This provides easy day-to-day contact between school and home and can be used for direct communication between parents and tutors.
Hornsey News, the school’s newsletter is published and available on the school website to keep families in touch with school news. It also provides the community with an update on Hornsey School for Girls. Hornsey News and the website serve to celebrate the school’s successes and allow information to be passed on to parents. Parents can also access information about school and their daughter’s progress by logging onto the school’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).