Year 9 Option Information

What are Options?    

Students are not capped into allocated pathways as we believe that students should be able to access all of our subjects, in consultation with our heads of departments. We do ask teachers to make some recommendations based on three main areas:

  1. Your daughter's achievement at Key Stage 2
  2. Teacher assessments for Key Stage 3
  3. Attendance and general study skills

In order to access a level 3 course (e.g. A levels) most colleges or sixth forms will ask for a minimum of 5+ 5-9 , including English and Maths.However, if looking at level 3 B-techs or T-Levels, entry requirements will differ.

 It is unusual for colleges to expect students to have more than 8 GCSEs. 

What does choosing 'Options' mean?

Parents and Students will have to identify which subjects they would most like to specialise in and indicate these on the option sheet that will be included in the “Key Stage 4 Curriculum Information” booklet that is sent out in February each year.

The programme for year 9 starts in December and is led primarily through the form time at this stage.  

Making the decision about which subjects to specialise in is difficult.  At Hornsey School for Girls, you are not alone in making this decision and you will have the dedicated support of your tutors, your teachers and the director of learning in this process.

The Options Booklet can be viewed below. Information is updated in Feb for commencement of GCSE in the following September. The options process is deliberately lengthy to help you make the best choices. It is strongly advised that parents, carers and students attend all evenings in order to be able to make the most informed decisions. The school is fully committed to ensuring independent advice and guidance to support students to realise their potential. We look forward to seeing you at these events. 

Student options will be confirmed in June


The Year 9 Options Booklet is available for downloading below. Please note we will not be providing paper copies of this.