Assessment information - reports
The following should help as a starting point for understanding our reporting system
National Context:
- Students up to and including the age of 16 have two National standard tests
- SAT test at KS2
- GCSE taken in year 11
Although this video is from 2015, it explains what progress measures are in a handy 3 minutes.
How Hornsey does it

We look at the context of the year group and with the help of a variety of data including SAT’s determine the expected level that your child should be attaining at the end of KS3 (Yr9) and KS4 (Yr11)
-We are ambitious for your child and our targets will reflect this
KS3 Assessment and curriculum
-We assess at KS3 using the GCSE number system to increase understanding of this system
-The curriculum is planned around subject pillars - knowledge, skills and understanding
-Throughout the year, teachers will use different methods to check what pupils know, can do and understand so that the right work is taught/informs teaching
-The focus of assessment is on gaining a clear understanding of what students have learned in terms of knowledge, concepts and skills as distinct from what has been covered in a lesson
What is the expected grade for my child and how does it compare to the National Average
1/ In year 7 my child seems to be working at a grade 1 in some of her subjects- how does that happen? And what does it mean for her progress?
In year 7 it is likely the first time that your child has been individually assessed in some subjects such as Dance, DT, and Computer Science (Ebacc) Year 7 is an opportunity to be introduced to the specific skills of these subjects and therefore, as knowledge, skill and understanding develops we would expect these to rise
In year 10 my child’s report has a mock and an NEA grade What is the difference?
NEA stands for Non-examined Assessment which is the coursework component of the course. Each subject’s NEA is a different percentage, the two grades on your childs reports shows how they are doing in both their coursework and how they did in the examined section
Your first port of call is the Head of department in that subject. If this is across a number of subjects, it best to contact the Director of Learning. Do look at the learning codes both positive and of concern on your childs report as a starting point for that particular conversation