Governor Committee Structure 

The Full Governing body meet once per term. 



The Governing Body delegates some of the work to sub committees that focus on specific areas of the school.  Committees meet at least three times per year and report to the full Governing Body. 

Committees are –

  • Teaching & Learning,
  • Pay & Personnel.

These committess challenge, critically analyse and develop the strategic direction of the school. 


Teaching & Learning Committee

Chair: Emily Atwood 

The Committee, in consultation with the Headteacher, will act as a resource and reference group in all matters of formulation and operation of curriculum policy at the school.  It will ensure the delivery of a broadly-based and balanced curriculum, within the statutory framework, and that effective monitoring arrangements are in place.  It will agree examination performance targets and review and evaluate results.  


Pay & Personnel Committee

Chair: Johanna Hinshelwood

The Committee is responsible for the recruitment and strategic deployment of all staff within the school and for ensuring that managers make the most efficient use of their resources in matching suitable personnel to any vacancies. It ensures that the School’s Performance Management Policy acts to raise the standards of teaching and learning in the school.  The Committee will receive regular reports from the School Leadership Team about how well the current staffing structure meets the needs of the school, and will consider the possible requirement for staff re-organisation and redeployment should the needs of the school change.

Finance and Facilities 

Chair: currently vacant 

Governing boards are responsible for overseeing the financial performance of their school and making sure its money is well spent – this is one of the core functions of governing boards.This means ensuring:compliance with the rules (including legislation and controls put in place by the local authority and Department for Education), value for money, money is spent in line with the school’s strategic priorities, leaders are held to account and that al financial systems are appropriate and ensure high outcomes for our students. â€‹