Home School Agreement
As Parents/Guardians, I/we will –
- Make sure that my daughter goes to school every day, on time, properly equipped and in full school uniform
- Ensure the school always has up-to-date contact details
- Attend Parents' Evenings, Information Evenings and discussions about my daughter's progress
- Support the school’s expectations including those regarding behaviour, uniform and homework and the school’s rewards and sanctions policy (including detentions)
- Let the school know of any issues that might affect my daughter’s work, behaviour or attendance
- Check and sign my daughter’s Student Planner each week
- Treat staff and students with courtesy and respect. This means in written form (including email correspondence) as well as in person
- Work in partnership with the school in implementing the school’s vision and aims
The school aims to –
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum meeting, wherever possible, the individual needs of each student
- Maintain clear lines of communication between home and school, keeping you informed of your daughter’s progress and attendance and general school matters
- Encourage success and recognise effort and achievement
- Promote a safe, caring environment
- Help your daughter to realise her potential as a valued member of the school community
- Work in partnership with parents and carers in implementing the school’s vision and aims
As a student, I will –
- Come to school every day on time, unless I have a valid reason (eg ill health)
- Bring the right books and equipment I need for each lesson
- Use my Student Planner properly
- Work to the best of my ability, completing all homework on time
- Keep to the school rules and wear correct uniform
- Show consideration for all members of the school community and respect for their property
- Work in partnership with the school, my parents /carers and other students in implementing the school’s vision and aims