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Jan 2022 return information
Happy new year to all. We hope you have had a good break and stayed safe!
As per previous information and further govt guidance released 2/01/2022, students are advised to test prior to return to school. A reminder that Tuesday 4th Jan is an allocated teacher training day. There are no lessons scheduled for this day. Students return on week 1.
Students coming in for tests on Tuesday do not need to wear uniform and are only attending for testing purposes. All students will be returning to school on Wednesday, in full uniform at the times indicated below.
Year 7 - 9am to 11am on Tuesday 4th Jan then leave and return for a normal school day on Wed 5th Jan
Year 10 - 11am to 12.45pm on Tuesday 4th Jan then leave and return for a normal school day on Wed 5th Jan
Year 11 - 1.15pm to 3pm on Tuesday 4th Jan then then leave and return for a normal school day on Wed 5th Jan
Returning on Wednesday 5th Jan at the following staggered times:
Year 8 - 9am to 10.45am on Wednesday 5th Jan, take their test then stay for normal lessons
Year 9 - 10.45am - 12.30pm on Wednesday 5th Jan, take their test then stay for normal lessons
No one should attend if they have symptoms, and all are advised to be aware of isolation advice outlined in government guidance if they have symptoms or have tested positive.
Face coverings are expected to be worn by all students unless they are exempt in all areas of the school including classrooms. The school continues with enhanced hygiene practices.
We look forward to welcoming all back.