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Easter break update & Information
Just a short post to share some general updates with you.
We appreciate that many people will be preparing for their Easter holidays, trying to book time in the living room, a change of scenery in the kitchen, and possibly really pushing the boat out and heading upstairs and playing on the landing...whatever your plans, we hope you will continue to observe the government advice to stay home and save lives. You are taking part in a vital community effort and thank you for all you are doing for this, as family units, as individuals and at the very personal cost of seeing and being with significant loved ones in your lives.
We remain closed to all but those vulnerable students and children of keyworkers and will be extending this provision throughout the Easter break which begins 6th April. We are currently confirming provision for the bank holidays - Good Friday and Easter Monday and will make contact with those families that due to shift changes will need to utilise our childcare provision at this time. It is absolutely paramount to all in the school that we support those undertaking critical and vital work at this time. We are maintaining contact with those identified as keyworkers, but please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything further.
The school leadership has been in touch with the Whittington Hospital to see if we can continue to support keyworkers on the front line with PPE equipment in the form of all of our science goggles and any other items they may need. Small gestures like these will hopefully make a difference to front line workers who need all the practical support we can give them.
We have also updated our letters page with a leaflet provided by Haringey Council on how to manage conversations and highlighting support offered to families at this time https://0e58658be539ee7325a0-220f04f871df648cf4a4d93a111e3366.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/hornsey/uploads/lettershome/EPS-Coronavirus-advice-leaflet-March-2020-final.pdf?t=1585727898 You may find this helpful particularly if you have a younger children in the family unit.
As we head towards the Easter break, we will be putting up some some activities up on our website which are not necessarily curriculum related if you would like to pick and choose them - there is no expectation around this, but we feel some parents/carers/ students benefit from having something to do if they would like it!
It is important to differentiate between 'school work' and 'holiday' time, even if the scenery remains the same.
We are incredibly proud of all of the staff of the school who have stepped up and are continuing to balance significant personal priorities with those of the school. Thank you to all of our staff team for continuing to maintain a high level of professionalism even under these challenging circumstances. You're great!
On a final note, Ms Rahelu has been following government advice regarding self-isolation. As a result, Ms Rooke's acting headship has moved forward to commence today rather than in June as previously informed to parents and carers. We are confident you wish her and the team your continued best wishes.
In case you missed it...
-Wellbeing information & guidance /190/latest-news/post/179/wellbeing-info-for-our-school-community-march-25th-2020
- Remote learning page /194/remote-learning-portal-all-subjects
-Wider resources of interest /1986/other-free-online-resources-for-parents-carers-students
-How to get onto Show My Homework /2003/help-accessing-show-my-homework
-Contacting departments/teachers/ tutors /1997/contacting-teachers-and-departments
-Contact commitment from staff at the school https://0e58658be539ee7325a0-220f04f871df648cf4a4d93a111e3366.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/hornsey/uploads/document/Parent-student-contact-and-commitment.pdf?ts=1585734265