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    Posted on: September 15th 2024

    House System Relaunch!

    Ms Al-Adely has joined us in September as the new head of Physical and Performing Arts and has really hit the ground running (pun intended) .

    As part of her work she has re-launched and revitilised our House System and we are delighted to share this with you. In the last couple of years, the house system has been reduced to being a part of our sports day provision - but now it moves back to being an integral part of the natural competiton to be the best in the school! 

    Our Hornsey Values of Have respect for all, Showing Kindness and Giving 100% as well as attendance and punctuality to school and lessons all make a difference to the house totals. 

    We'll reguarly update you on the figures - but for now, well done all of Seacole - you've set a great marker for other houses to follow...

    House system week 1

    Hornsey News



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