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Posted on: June 7th 2024

Yr 10 Mock Results Day

As year 11 continue on exams, year 10 had their mock results day. These events help students develop their resilience and support them in understanding how they may feel in 12 months time when they will be experiencing that 'opening the envelope' feeling. 

For some students, this would have naturally been a sobering experience, for others it would have been proof positive that they are doing the right things. For everyone - it would have been a learning experience. 

The beauty of mock exams is that they are just that, a chance of feedback from across many different subject areas and an opportunity to do better next time.  Done well, they will support developing further skills and knowledge. We hope students and families will take on board current outcomes. 

Thank you to our exams and support staff team, and to Ms Rahman for the support and guidance shared with year 10 today. Some images in the gallery below! 

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