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Updated Level 4 Actions
Updated 21:00pm 17/7/2023
Following the upgrading of the level 3 warning from 'exceptional heat' to level 4 'extreme heat' we have revised our risk assessment and will be moving to partial remote teaching for Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July. Students should attend school on mornings but will be released before temperatures rise to dangerous levels on both of these days.
The highest temperatures of the day will happen between 1-5pm on both Monday and Tuesday. We are therefore asking that all students finish earlier on these two days and make their way home for lessons 5 and 6 which will be provided online through Google Classrooms. Students will be released from 11:30 am on Monday 18th & Tuesday 19th July and are advised to make their way home prior to the temperature rising to potentially dangerous levels on these days. Registers will be taken for online lessons as usual. Scheduled HPV vaccinations will still take place on Monday 18th July. Free School Meal students should collect lunch at breaktime on both days.
If you are unable to make arrangements for your child to leave school at 11:30am, please contact the director of learning so appropriate arrangements can be made. If your child has a pre-existing medical reason not to attend on these days, please inform our absence line, any absence related to medical management for Monday and Tuesday will be authorised but we do need you to inform us of this.
We expect a return to normal days on Wednesday 20th and the last day of term Thursday 21st July
Current mitigations in place:
In addition to relaxing the uniform code (no blazers are expected to be worn, no jumpers are advised), we would like all students to consider switching to their PE kits for Monday 18th July and Tuesday 19th July which are the days currently predicated to have a temperature classed as 'extreme heat'
As a school we have ensured that we are well-ventilated and fans are available across the site if appropriate (something that has been consistently in place as a Covid mitigation since 2020)
-Some subject lessons have been re-located to different areas within the school to be in cooler areas of the building
- Students are advised to ensure that they have a refillable water bottle and have access to have the water fountains as required, additionally, water jugs are in place in the canteen for this purpose.
- We are asking students to wear their PE kit on the dates above with extreme heat expected as outline above
-Students are advised to take advantage of the shaded areas in school grounds if they go out
-Students are encouraged to wear sunhats whilst being out on the grounds
-Students are advised to wear sunscreen
-We have an allocated First Aider on site to support any emerging medical needs
Please do ensure you keep hydrated and keep sun safe
London Met weather, London 8pm 17/7(image correct at this time but may change)