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Steel Pan Showcase
Thank you to the parents and carers who joined us this evening for a steel pan showcase - we were going for a party in the park vibe and we think we managed it! People bought picnic blankets and baskets as well as enjoying a full range refreshments with all proceeds going into our PSA fund. Expect those parent pay bills to come in tomorrow!
Groups from all years came together to show we live our school values by giving 100% and the whole evening was planned and organised by Head Girl Martha. Unfortunately, Martha, like some of her year 11 players, was unable to attend at the last minute due to illness.
Fear not though! She sent her mum along to get photos and videos of every year group represented - and what a treat it was! We worked up across the year groups showing not only their natural talent but how each year group progressed to more complicated pieces as they worked their way up the school. None of it would be possible without the lovely Mr Storey.
They'll be a set of videos and photos on our facebook page, and our website photo gallery - head over there to take a look - and thanks for coming along to our summer showcase. Even the rain couldn't dampen down the Island vibes
Thanks for coming if you did!