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Haringey wants to hear the voice of young people! Please help!
We know that many young people will have already participated in the Children’s Commissioner’s Big Ask survey last year, and the Schools Health Education Unit survey over the winter. The feedback young people offered in response to these surveys has been invaluable, and we want to now understand more about young people’s views on a local level - their feelings about the future of the borough, and how we can make Haringey the best it can be.
We are asking all young people attending a Haringey secondary school to participate in our pulse survey addressing five key areas of interest. We hope that this survey will kick off an ongoing conversation with Haringey’s young people and pave the way for them to get more involved in local decision making.
Running the Survey
The survey is open now and closes on the 2nd of May 2022.
We have designed the survey to be easily and quickly completed online on a digital survey platform. Young people will be able to access the survey via a link to an MS Forms page which can be accessed here - https://forms.office.com/r/9rMyXhENDU.
For young people with special educational needs, an accessible version of the survey can be accessed here - https://forms.office.com/r/eVsJS29F0W. We have also attached a word bank of symbols for use by staff when supporting these young people to complete the survey. If you have a student with other accessibility needs that affect their ability to complete the survey, please get in touch.
We will ask some equalities-related questions to help us understand the impact of policies and initiatives on different communities and to identify any inequalities that may need to be addressed. However, students’ answers to these and the rest of the questions will be completely anonymous.
The questions also tie in with PHSE curricula – particularly curriculum requirements relating to young people’s place within their local communities, participating in local decision-making, and the systems that operate around them at a local and national level, like health or police services. We would be grateful if teachers could circulate the survey link to pupils at a suitable time for them – for example, during a PHSE session which completion of the survey could form part of, or as part of a wider school communications that students might receive.
The results of the survey will be used to understand more about young peoples’ priorities for Haringey. They will also feed into later conversations with residents as the borough plan starts to take shape. We will provide schools with a summary of what we have heard, and what our next steps are, so that young people can see how we are using the valuable information they have told us.
Parental notice
The survey is completely anonymous and will not ask young people to provide any personal data, but we would like parents to be aware that their child may take part in this research activity. We would be grateful if schools could send the following as part of any regular communications they send to parents:
Haringey Council’s Young People’s Survey
Haringey Council is running a survey with all students attending Haringey’s secondary schools as part of their work to develop their borough strategy for 2023 to 2027. The questions will focus on a set of important themes, including young people’s views on the local area, fair and equal treatment, their local communities, participating in local decision making, and the future.
We wanted to let you know that we will be asking students to take part in the survey between now and 2 May 2022, when it closes. The feedback from the survey will be completely anonymous and will help Haringey Council determine what their priorities should be for the next four years.
Lastly, we want to thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, please contact Rufus Pope (Rufus.Pope@haringey.gov.uk) or Jim Pomeroy (jim.pomeroy@haringey.gov.uk) in Haringey Council’s Policy and Strategy Team.