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Updated information for student return September 2021
As advised in the end of term letter in early July, the return to the school for year groups has been amended to take into account the requirement for secondary schools to offer two tests prior to the commencement of the new academic year.
The school had been awaiting updated government guidance which was intended to be released today (16/08/2021)
As this has not happened, please find attached our plan for year groups to be tested in line with time requirements of the lateral flow tests. Please note the plan is subject to change in line with any updated government information.
As confirmed in the guidance, consents given by students in all year groups is rolled forward for this year, A link will be sent out to our new year seven students in due course to gather permissions for the tests to be undertaken at the school.
Last year we had a 98% consent rate across the student body and the co-operation of students and families ensured that we were able to undertake tests efficiently which ensured the safety of all. A video we prepared in March is available here and shows what will happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EsJfdCUVLI, how the hall will be set out and what you can expect.
Please do make a note of the amended start dates and timings for tests for all year groups.
See you soon!