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Posted on: August 12th 2021

GCSE Results Day 2021 Photos

Hornsey School for Girls is delighted to confirm its 6th consecutive year of above average outcomes with exceptional results for students across the board. This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a robust process of teacher-assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. The government is not publishing performance data for any schools or colleges this year due to the varying impact of the pandemic. However, this should not detract from the hard work, resourcefulness and efforts made by our school staff and students who have displayed amazing resilience throughout pandemic absences, online and onsite learning.

Headteacher Kuljit Rahelu said ‘Congratulations to students on these results which are a testament to their hard work from the day they start in the school in year 7. This is the culmination of a school career here – every student will no doubt triumph on the next stage of their education or training or work place. You deserve this success and we’re all really proud of you’ 

Subjects performing exceptionally well @ grades 9-7 include the following: 

  • 59 % - Computer Science 
  • 59% - Chemistry 
  • 57% - RE 
  • 54% - Dance 

 Many subject areas achieved exceptional results, of particular note for grades 9-4:

  •  100% - Biology 
  • 100% - Chemistry 
  • 100% - Physics 
  • 100% - RE

Our top 11 students have 110 grade 9-7’s between them, with our top 30 students sharing over 300 grade 9-7’s between them across a number of subject areas. Across all ability ranges, students attained 100% in over 17 subjects. We’re immensely proud of all! 

The school remains committed to developing deep partnerships that promote social and political curiosity about the world students live in, and crucially, how they can engage and change lives through developing their own skills set. Our aim across the school is to empower our students to be resilient, hardworking and adaptable – something these results, and their conduct over the last year attest to. 

Stand out individual performances include the following students: 

  • Twins Naila and Thara who achieved 20 grade 9-7’s
  • Iva who with her nine grade 9’s and one grade 8 will be heading to North London Collegiate School Sixth form to study 4 A levels including Economic, Further Maths and Computer Science
  •  Cici who will be off to Latymer School Sixth Form with her 10 grade 9-8’s to study Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Maths
  • Natali will be off to Woodhouse to study Politics, English Lit, and Biology

Chair of Governors, Anita Yiannoullou, added: “Every results day is unique and given the last two years we couldn’t be prouder of our partnership with local families for their commitment to our school. These results are embedded in that partnership and reflect the commitment of every member of staff to your daughters. Every student leaves us with the knowledge and skills that will be critical to their continued success in the future. We look forward to hearing what they will do next!’ 


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