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    Posted on: January 6th 2020

    January Blues?

    A new year with no mistakes! what a gift! January is ordinarily a time with fresh starts and new beginnings abound. However, like the god Janus, its also about looking back as well as forward. As we start the new year I'd like to welcome everyone back, but I'd also like to reflect on those in our communities who have a really challenging time around the holidays. 

    Christmas comes loaded with pressure with images of the ideal family and holidays shared across the board - but what happens if your family is less than ideal? For many in our communities, Christmas is a challenging time where they are sometimes more isolated than other times.

    I hope everyone had their share of positive interactions, but as we start the new year we are also mindful of those who have had a tough time and need the support of the school to move forward. I am delighted to welcome back my extremely hardworking staff and our fantastic students. I hope they all had a brilliant holiday - but I'm also mindful for some that we are a big safety net. They might have had a difficult break away from us. For some January is still dark and depressing. 

    Here at Hornsey we hope we bring something positive and helpful in all that we do. It is a new year. There's much of it left to discover. If you've had a tough time, speak with us to see if we can help. - we want you to be the best versions of yourself and will work with you to get there. 

    Ms R 

    Jan 2020 

    HT's Blog



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