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Posted on: December 12th 2019

HSG Election Day 2019

The votes have been counted across the school as every student weighs in on understanding the democratic process. From signing into the polling station to casting a vote, the student leadership team enabled everyone to participate in the mock election. Two weeks ago the Headteacher led assemblies on democracies and what general elections involved. More recently, tutors presented clips outlining what each party stood for. Any students who arrived still undecided had the support of an information station with further details to help make a decision.

Students arriving at the polling station were duly signed off by the volunteers (Ms Rahman we really appreciate you being the lead!) before being asked to electronically vote with a Haringey paper. 

The results are in and can be seen below: There's one clear winner in Haringey and that's the Labour party. Lets see if local or national results show us the same thing!

General Election 2019

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