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Its official! Ofsted Inspection report arrives!
We're delighted to share with you the Ofsted report from our recent inspection. The full report can be accessed here but some of the introductory comments give a flavour of the inspection.
Inspectors praised the students, their conduct, the advantages of being a smaller bespoke secondary school, leaders and managers and the breadth of the curriculum offer open to students. The report can be downloaded in full but some extracts below to give you a flavour of the excellent feedback.
'Pupils enjoy school and are safe. They spoke of the sense of family they get from being in a small school.'
'Relationships between staff and pupils are positive. They reflect respect and kindness, both of which are at the core of this community school’s ethos.'
'Pupils take pride in their work.'
'Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum which is broad in scope.'
'Teachers also use techniques that support pupils in remembering important knowledge over time'
'Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge.'
'Pupils are motivated to learn and low level disruption is rare'
'Pupils said that the school takes a strong stance against sexual harassment.'
Thank you to all of our stakeholders - our students, our staff, our parents/ carers and our governors.