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Important COVID-19 Changes as of 24th February 2022
As of tomorrow the government have removed the legal requirement to isolate following a positive COVID-19 result. Although the legal requirement to isolate has changed, our recommendation for our school community would be to request all continue to isolate for a minimum of 5 days and up until you have received 2 negative test results on consecutive days. We would appreciate all in our community considering responding like this to ensure the safety of all.
The government will no longer ask close contacts to test daily for 7 days.
Please be aware that although these changes apply nationally the government has given local authorities the power to implement measures to manage local outbreaks.
Prior to the half term break, as a school, we were notified of significant numbers of our students testing positive across all of our year groups. This means we will continue to ask students and staff to undertake tests regularly where possible.
If you child has any of the following COVID-19 symptoms, a PCR test can be booked up until 31st March:
- new, persistent cough
- high temperature of 37.8°C or above
- a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
We will provide guidance on symptomatic testing from 1st April as and when it is released.
In the interim we will continue with some of our covid mitigations.
Our enhanced cleaning regime is still in place. We have given all students their own antibacterial bottles for personal use. Hand sanitisers and access to hand sanitsers remain across the school site. Lunchtimes remain staggered to reduce large en-masse meetings. Assemblies remain virtual and will be reviewed w/b 7th March. Visitors are asked to consider wearing facemasks if they are on site. Students and staff are asked to consider face coverings if they wish to wear them. Mobile wash units remain available at key entry points. Air purifiers and Co2 monitors are placed throughout the school. We ask staff in classrooms and offices to keep windows and doors open to increase ventilation across the site.
Our key focus is always on the wellbeing of our school community, and we will continue to act and make decisions based on this throughout. Thank you for your continued support.