Latest News
...nearly there year 11!
As you are aware the last day of onsite provision for the majority of year 11 is tomorrow 28th May. There will be a staggered exit for year 11, who will be notified when it will begin. Please be advised year 11 will finish the day early.
After half term the year 11 educational provision will be delivered virtually. Departments and pastoral leads have provided transition work in preparation for key stage 5 and an array of career focused virtual experiences.
Please find the link to this calendar here;
Students will be requested to register daily at Year 11 Daily Register (google.com)
We would like to thank you all, students and parents alike, for your support in managing this extraordinary and challenging academic year. As usual, the large majority of the year group have demonstrated resilience and positivity in the face of these unprecedented circumstances.
We look forward to welcoming all the students back to school on Thursday 24th June at 3.00pm for the year 11 leaver's event, traditional shirt signing and celebration BBQ where we will also have the opportunity to give out certificates and awards and enjoy some student performances. We can't wait to celebrate you!
So although it will be tinged with sadness, we're excited to see how this cohort will change the World in the future.