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Exam information update -Year 11
We are fully aware that year 11 students, parents and families are under considerable pressure as the summer term begins. We have held off writing to you about exams given that for many boards information has not yet been released. Here in short summary is information we are currently aware of. Please be advised that this may yet be subject to change and that this is out of control of the school.
The exam boards have informed schools that grades will be:
· A School Assessed Grade we have been asked to submit to them in June
· Grades will be based on what students have been taught, not what they’ve missed
· There will be a stringent and robust quality assurance process in place with samples of work requested from schools as evidence of how grades have been reached
· Results day for year 11 will be earlier on the 12th of August.
We are still awaiting the final information from the exam boards and it is for this reason we have been reticent to share more detailed guidance with you, however, we need to balance this with your need to have information about what is expected of all students in their final term at the school.
School assessed grading – an overview
Every single grade a student receives will be evidence based on subject specific taught content. Evidence can include:
· Practical work where applicable
· Coursework where appropriate
· Classwork and mini assessments
· Any existing exam practice and grade completed up to this point
· Exam practice and in class exam response completed from this point
No grade will be given by a teacher alone, there is a clear internal procedure of checks, balances, and quality assurance in place involving teachers, Heads of Departments and an attached senior leader.
How are we supporting students during this time?
· Easter revision across subject areas to help with coursework, assessments and study skills
· Use of the Access Project to provide bespoke tutoring
· Counselling requested through form tutors and DoL’s
· Year 11 specific briefings led by senior members of staff
· Subject specific interventions and support
· Use of a specific MFL tutor for year 11
· Core departments additional teaching support is in place
From the week beginning 8th March students were mass tested in order to return to full time lesson and work towards completing their learning. Our timetable from year 11 return to the end of the term is below.
15th March |
A 3 week window of mini assessments (exam style questions) in classrooms to support |
5th April |
Easter Intervention, Study Skill sessions and focus on coursework. |
12th April |
Easter âIntervention, Study Skill sessions and focus on coursework. |
19th April |
Practical assessments undertaken and completed. |
24th April |
A 3 week window of mini assessments (exam style questions) in classrooms to support |
17th May |
NEA Portfolio days to responds to feedback.
24th May |
Speaking Endorsements to be completed. |
7th June |
Online lecture, talks about preparing for future studies and careers. |
18th June |
Leavers event to mark the end of year 11 @Hornsey School |
Information from exam boards is being released with updates daily at the moment. Once more of this is in place we are happy to hold a Q& A session one evening next week to answer any queries that we can address.
Students will receive a fair and deserving set of qualifications to move to the next stage of their academic career. It is vital therefore that we all work together to achieve this. Students should attend all their lessons and submit work requested to the best of their ability. We ask that parents/ carers support in encouraging this, working with us in partnership. We also ask that students and parents trust our professional judgement and that we work collegiately to ensure the best outcomes possible for all.