Latest News

    Posted on: March 22nd 2021

    Year 11 exam updates

    It has been our pleasure to welcome year 11 back, it has been absolutely lovely to see them and we are really looking forward to working with the students in the final stretch of this extraordinary year.

    Year 11 information, Non-Examined Assessments ( NEA), Mini assessments, Easter intervention

    As you are aware, the Government has ruled that as a result of disruption to learning due to the pandemic, many exams this summer will not go ahead. Qualifications for 2021 will be determined by teacher judgements. Teaching and learning will go on as long as possible in order to allow teachers to continue to gather evidence to inform these judgements.

    Please be advised that we have to use a range of evidence to inform these judgements and samples of work will be requested from exam boards. Evidence may include; previous mock exam results, homework or in-class assessments, practical work for some subjects and NEA ( Non-Examined Assessments – Coursework), complete or incomplete. We will also take engagement and attendance into consideration

    Students have undertaken some mini assessments to explore gaps in their learning as a result of lockdown and will be undertaking another, more formal round of mini assessments after Easter. They have been informed of this and have this week and all of the Easter holidays to revise.

    We have tried to support students and remind them not to worry about this but to revise in a calm and structured way, it is completely normal for year 11 to be working hard around this time of the academic year. We will also be running interventions over the holiday as we usually do. If your daughter is asked to attend please encourage her to do so.

    Year 11 have also requested revision space study sessions which we have staffed and will be held in the library

    Monday 5th

    Tuesday 6th

    Wednesday 7th

    Thursday 8th

    Friday 9th


    Prod Des NEA (9am - 12pm)

    Comp Sci NEA (9am -2pm)

    Prod Des NEA (9am - 12pm)

    Psychology (9am - 1pm)


    Comp Sci NEA (11am -2pm)

    Art NEA (9am - 12pm)

    Art NEA (9am - 12pm)



    Health and Social Care NEA (9am -1pm)

    Citizenship (9am - 1pm)




    ​Study session

    10am – 2pm


    ​Study session



    Monday 12th

    Tuesday 13th

    Wednesday 14th

    Thursday 15th

    Friday 16th

    Sociology (9am - 1pm)

    Dance NEA - 9am - 1pm

    ​ Study session

    10am – 2pm

    Science 10am - 2pm



    Music RSL NEA - 9am - 1pm




    Can students and parents make the case for why a student should get a higher grade?

    It is important to note that all stakeholders want the same outcome which is that no learners are disadvantaged by this process and that students receive a fair and deserving set of qualifications to move to the next stage of their academic career. It is vital therefore that we all work together to achieve this. Students should attend all their lessons and submit work requested to the best of their ability. We ask that parents support in encouraging this, working with us in partnership. We also ask that students and parents trust our professional judgement and that we work collegiately to ensure the best outcomes possible for all.

    Teachers are unable to submit higher grades for students unless they have the evidence that they are consistently working at this level. If teachers submit higher grades without evidence they are committing exam malpractice. Please be aware that in 2020, any student or parent who placed undue pressure on teachers to increase grades was also considered exam malpractice. It is likely to be the same for 2021. If students or parents are found to be putting teachers or leaders under undue pressure to increase grades, then this matter will be referred to the exam boards and an investigation into malpractice may ensue. This may result in the student’s certificate being removed entirely if malpractice is deemed to have taken place.

    End of term for Year 11

    We have received some queries about the final date for which year 11 are to attend school. The exam boards have released deadlines for schools to admit their final assessment grades and we are working with our colleagues across the borough to agree a final date for all year 11s towards the end of May. 

    Hornsey News



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