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Monday 15th March - starting as we mean to go on!
Thank you everyone for they way you have embraced mass testing with us. Your high uptake has enabled us to accelerate your return and we cannot wait to see you on Monday!
Many of our students will have had a very different time whilst learning at home. This post is to remind you that you belong to one of the highest performing schools in the country. We are successful because when you walk into the school, we become a team of 1000. Working together, on all levels, means we are all striving for the same thing. We need you to remember the high standards we have in place for everyone. No junk food, no mobile phones/ devices on show, full and correct school uniform, no earphones on display, face coverings are requested in all areas, including classrooms.
We have continued to ensure that we have lots of safety measures in place to keep us all safe. This includes additional mobile washing units, sanitiser units and bottles across the school, one-way systems, staggered entry, break, lunch and end of day as well as limited movement around the site.
To support this we will continue with our staggered starts and separate entrances the same as before Christmas. Therefore please note that students will be expected in at the following times daily until Easter, including arrival on the 15th March.
Year Group |
Exit |
Entrance location |
Line up location |
Entry time for line up |
Tutor time |
Exit time |
Exit location |
G block |
Playground |
8.25am |
8.35am |
2.35pm |
G block |
8 |
Service road |
Astro turf |
8.25am |
8.35am |
2.40pm |
Service road |
9 |
G block |
Back garden |
8.35am |
8.40am |
2.45pm |
G block |
10 |
Service road |
Astro turf |
8.35am |
8.40am |
2.50pm |
Service road |
11 |
Main entrance |
Outside LRC |
8.25am |
8.35am |
2.55pm |
Main entrance |
The only exception to the above timing is that Year 7 will be expected on Monday 15th March only to only come in at their allocated time for test two and will then remain in school. If they are not being tested they need to come in at the usual start time.
We will undertake test 3 for all students during the school day when they are in school. As a reminder these are the test windows. Your daughter will have her own specific time that she will be informed of:
Year Group |
Test 3 time |
Location |
11 |
Monday 15th 1-3pm |
Gym |
10 |
Tuesday 16th 8.30am – 1pm |
Gym |
9 |
Tuesday 16th 1-3.10pm |
Gym |
8 |
Wednesday 17th 1-3.10pm |
Gym |
7 |
Thursday 18th 1-3.10pm |
Gym |
Please also note the following letter placed on our website this evening https://0e58658be539ee7325a0-220f04f871df648cf4a4d93a111e3366.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/hornsey/uploads/lettershome/ParentLetter-Home-testing-110321.pdf?t=1615490120
We can't wait to have the whole school full of students. We have missed you!