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Mass testing and control measures for return - the video tutorial!
We are looking forward to your return and want to thank you for the high number of returns we have had on pre-registering for mass testing (or not)
We wanted to share with you a few pieces of information that will be helpful in preparation for return. We have previously released the timetable for testing and return to face to face teaching here /190/latest-news/post/216/8-march-reopening
We are continuing with a number of control measures to support the return of our children across all year groups. Please can we ask that you watch the following video prior to arriving to us which will help you understand the process of testing if you have agreed to this https://youtu.be/4EsJfdCUVLI
We have also undertaken the following, most of which you will be aware of from previous practice. We know that combining all of the measures together limits the risk of transmission in our school community as far as is practicable.
Masks - we are strongly encouraging all students in all year groups to wear masks in all areas of the school and in all classrooms. This does not apply to students who have medical exemptions, are in practical subjects, or are socially distanced outside.
One way systems: - continue with appropriate signage in place to support managed movement
Sanitisers - are placed across the site, at entrance and exit points. All classrooms have their own bottles and disinfectant wipes and are encouraged to use them as required
Ventilation - we ask all doors and windows are left open in classrooms to increase air flow
Additional cleaning and deep cleans - we have these scheduled throughout the term and have employed an additional cleaner to undertake frequent cleaning of key areas/ use
Mobile hand washing units have been placed at exit and entry points
Staggered exits, entries, break and lunch- to reduce contact between year group 'bubbles'
Timetable - we significantly amended the timetable earlier this year to limit movement whilst retaining a focus on wellbeing and academic needs, and this remains in place.
We look forward to welcoming year 10 and 11 students tomorrow for their testing, but in the interim, please do take a look at Ms Hewitt's Oscar-winning performance for information about mass testing at the school https://youtu.be/4EsJfdCUVLI
This will be the same process that you will need to undertake at home if you have agreed to do so. Tests wil be issued by the school when they have been delivered for each student and in line with guidance from the government.
Roll on face to face teaching! We can't wait to have everyone back on site! Stay safe and we will see you soon.