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Posted on: May 11th 2020

Mind how you go...

We know many parents and members of staff may be concerned about the Prime Minister's statement yesterday about the return of schools. Some may well be very happy with it. The school leadership is very very clear. Our first and foremost priority remains the health and safety of all our pupils, staff and wider community. Primary and Secondary schools are awaiting further guidance and until then, it would be unhelpful to speculate on the many unknowns placed within the announcement. The school has remained open for students of vulnerable pupils, and those of key workers, and will remain so. As it stands, schools and the public have the same information. We will continue to communicate with you as and when further guidance is issued to us. 

A reminder, that for us, as a school, our key focus is around wellbeing of all in our community. As a result, we will be issuing this week a survey to all pupils which we hope you will support completion of. The survey for students will allow us to monitor wellbeing and mental health which provides us with data that informs our pastoral interventions. Students should know that the survey is anonymous to encourage as many honest responses as possible, although students can add their names if they wish. This will help us as a school to consider how to further support our students. 

Finally, thank you so much to all in our school community who took some time out this week to watch our staff video - we really do genuinely miss all of our students (yes, absolutely all of them). We recognise how, as this lockdown continues, it places different pressures on you and your families. We are grateful for your courage and resilience in tackling these changes. Moods will change, sometimes you will be up and sometimes down. Regardless of this, however you are coping, you are doing well because there is no 'right way' to manage this. 

Stay safe, stay well. 






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