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COVID-19 update 20th March 2020
Hornsey School for Girls is now closed to all students aside from those students who have confirmed attendance on Monday 23rd March and are either vulnerable students or children of key workers. If you are a parent of one of these groups, please ensure you have confirmed attendance via the survey issued again this morning. All students arriving on Monday should do so in full school uniform as we endeavour to keep routines & structures in place.
We have a number of disadvantaged families who we recognise will struggle during this period of time with self isolation and with sourcing nutritionally balanced food. If you are in receipt of free school meals, we will be in touch with you to share how you can pick up a weekly food parcel or details of the government backed voucher scheme. We will also be providing free sanitary products for those students. If we can help and support further, please contact us at the school.
For year 11& year 13 - we were overwhelmed today with the high number of students who attended for their surprise last day. Like you, our teachers and wider staff team have had little or no time to prepare for losing you as a presence in our lives. We have loved and cared for you in your time with us. It was extremely difficult to make the challenging decision to release you earlier than we had projected. We did this because for some students, over the last 7-10 days you have been telling us you are self-isolating and have vulnerable grandparents or families around you. Your presence today in a large group would put them at risk and we needed to act decisively to protect you, your families & our staff from further exposure. We will absolutely have an event where we can say goodbye to your properly when restrictions have been lifted. We continue to wish you well and can't wait to hear how you will build from the foundation we have created with you. We are grateful to have had you with us - time now to go show the world what you can do!
To all parents, carers and readers in the school community, please please please do your utmost to keep in isolation over the next 4 weeks. Many young people may not display any symptoms of the virus but may be carrying it to more vulnerable people. Your actions now could save lives. Please act responsibly.
To access our online learning materials please link to this page /194/remote-learning-portal-all-subjects
work can be uploaded for marking and returned via these platforms. You can also contact your teacher through their subject area emails. Appropriate safeguarding protocols are in place, and all emails will be visible to all to ensure communication is transparent during this time. Departments will be continuing to produce and update the lessons available. Please also check out /1986/other-free-online-resources-for-parents-carers-students
This has been an extraordinary week. We have done our utmost to support you with the information that we have shared, you can continue to contact us at the school if we can help. Your biggest gift to us will be ensuring that you are reducing as much contact as you can for a short period of time. We look forward to opening our doors again to the community, something the school has done for over 180 years. Until then, keep safe and keep well.
Ms Rahelu