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STEM @ HSG with London Mayors Office!
We've only been back for this term for a matter of hours but we've already had a workshop with year 7 students on running their own pop-ups with our excellent Ms Peddie and her STEM work.
Just before the half term, our students were asked to take part in a short film for the London Mayors office as it highlights the gender imbalance across STEM areas.
The film is now up and can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S67Lt6WrAA
We are also lucky enough to be hosting a 'Big Bang Fair' at the school. If any parents or carers are in STEM industries and would like to be involved please do let us know - the fair is booked for the 29th April and will be open to visiting primary and secondary schools from 10:30am. Please contact admin@hornseyschool.com if you can share your skills, workplace, or any careers advice! A letter will be out soon with more details but we'd love to have parents and their workplaces involved.