Religious Studies

Religious Studies is taught to all students within the Humanities Faculty and the syllabus is the one agreed by Haringey Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE).   We provide a curriculum that is suitable for those of all religions or of none.

We aim to:

  1. enable pupils to be familiar with a body of Religious knowledge, principles, skills and vocabulary.
  2. contribute to the moral, social and spiritual development of the pupils in order to enable pupils develop a range of desirable personal qualities such as safety awareness, politeness, perseverance, concern for others, initiative and independence.
  3. enable pupils to be able to work independently and as part of a team.
  4. develop an awareness in pupils of the implications of religion (post and present) for the individual, the community and the environment.
  5. allow pupils to develop informed opinions and be able to support them by reasonable arguments that recognise the possible limitations of the ideas and concept used.

Resources & Facilities

There are 2 RS classrooms each with an Interactive Whiteboard. We use a wide range of resources to support effective teaching and learning in RS. They include the following:

  • Differentiated textbooks
  • Posters (including posters of students’ work)
  • Artefacts
  • Video, CDs and DVDs
  • Websites on the Internet
  • Visits to Places of worship
  • Visitors from different faiths to RE lessons

We choose our resources carefully to reflect:

  • The achievements and attributes of different cultural and religious groups.
  • Children of different ethnic groups involved in the activities.
  • Positively and realistically portray children from a variety of religious, ethnic/cultural groups and class backgrounds.